Get this: A lone vampire wanders into a frontier town and, after killing the most dangerous gunslinger in the territory, offers to take over the overworked sheriff’s law-keeping duties … from sundown to sunup.
What is it? A weekly television drama set in the fictional western town of Naba, a silver-mine boom town where Sheriff Louis Journeyman wears the badge from sunup to sundown and Sheriff Sol Velasco wears it from sundown to sunup. When Velasco first arrives in Nabo, surviving three shots to the gut and taking down a notorious outlaw with his bare hands, the townsfolk are suspicious of this stranger’s unbelievable strength, speed, and stamina. But, the wealth coming out of Naba attracts a steady stream of crooks and gunfighters, and Sheriff Journeyman is more than willing to let someone else handle the town’s rowdy nights.
That steady stream of outlaws, of course, means a steady stream of food for Nabo’s new, undead lawman.
Pitch (Corny Version): It’s undead Dexter meets the Old West.
Working Title: Night Sheriff

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