Oh what a week! As critics and pundits debate the merits of non-literary fiction (whatever that might be), agents and writers are debating the merits of agents shifting from a representative model of payment to a pay-per-service model.
It’s getting hot up in here! But, let’s slip quietly out the back door of this tavern brawl and just read some literary agent links, okay?
♦ Janet Reid warns writers to never assume that no response means No (at least not after the query stage).
♦ Nathan Bransford explains why he writes vague rejection letters.
♦ Kristin Nelson at Pub Rants shares recent trends in her query inbox. Among the expected vampires and “Greek mythology characters in a modern setting,” there was this inexplicable pattern:
Also, we’ve been seeing a lot of stories about women who have discovered their husbands cheating, getting divorced, and then moving to a small town where they start their own business—like a B&B. They always move to the small town as the key feature.
♦ At Dystel & Goderich Jane discusses how to choose a title and Jim explains what happened when a book selected by an agent nevertheless goes unsold.
♦ At BookEnds, Jessica gives us a peek into the work rhythm of a literary agent.