Let’s just dive straight into the links this week!
♣ The Author Magazine blogster reminds us that a really good story forces us to ask the question: “What do I want most?” (This is also true of magical compasses, I hear.)
♣ Moonrat at Editorial Ass(istant) tells us how to throw an awesome book launch.
♣ Kassia Krozser at BookSquare points out that change in the publishing biz must start at home, with the executives who run it.
♣ The Moby Lives blog asks whether we are seeing the end of book ownership.
Finally, the ever-prolific Eric at Pimp My Novel:
♣ issues a call for guest posts (you have until 16 June!);
♣ warns us of the approaching E-Pocalypse;
♣ explains the difference between billing and point-of-sale; and
♣ analyzes publishing trends like The [Adjective] Wife, vampires/werewolves, literary mash-ups, and the world ending in 2012.