Animals. There are various animals in Haya without their own elaborating entries, and which can be considered to adhere to the details set out in d20. Some examples follow.
Aurochs live along the edge of the Great Ice. Bison live in Qiley, Zam, Atzot, Hallia, and the lands of the Damdilit. Camels live in the deserts of Izakhez and Zemed. Giraffes live in the meadowed edges of the Izakhez desert. Goats, sheep, and rams live nearly everywhere the True People are found.
Armadillos can be found in Zakhten and Aysay. Badgers and otters are found throughout the northern continent from Qiley to Mijam, and from the Great Ice to the shores of the Middle Seas, as well as in Inet. Bats are found throughout the world; there are no dire bats in Haya, but see the entry for Dragon below. Koalas are found in Avada. Pandas are found in the high valley of Zengulay, while red pandas are found in Zasai, Otovyi, and Mijam. Seals are found in all of the world’s seas. Skunks can be found in Inet and Hintashya.
Foxes are found everywhere except the south lands from Zakhten to Janis, where jackals are found instead. Domesticated dogs and cats are found among the Yuta, Agtile, Damdilit, and Adya in a variety of breeds. Wild dogs are found in the southern lands. Hyenas live in the deserts of the Izakhez, Zemed, and Janis. Monitors are found in Janis and Wesadhi. Domesticated pigs are found throughout the civilized world, but primarily among the Adya. For wild pigs, see Boar below.
Falcons, eagles, hawks, ravens, crows, and vultures are found throughout the world. Domesticated horses of various breeds live among the Yuta, Agtile, Adya, and Damdilit, while wild horses are found in the far north under the Great Ice.
Apparition (Medium Undead). These spirits are found primarily in the cemeteries and catacombs of Etudwa, Tudvam, Tydhem, Zasai, and Zemed.

Cave bear
Cave bear (Large Animal). Found in the north from Atzot, Zitan, and Himhet lands through the forest of the Asnam and the Halbhar mountains. Details about cave bears are as the dire bear in d20. They are revered as representatives of the god Utu (and the subordinate goddess Uti) among the Zitan. Among the Himhet, the cave bear represents the element of dark.
Black bear (Medium Animal). Found in Qiley, Inet, and Hintashya. Details about the black bear are as in d20.
Brown bear (Large Animal). Found in Vindha, Hallia, the lands of the Damdilit, and Otovyi. Details about the brown bear are as in d20.
Common boar (Medium Animal). Found in lands all along the shores of the seas: Inet, Hintashya, the lands of the Tudvam, from Zakhten to Zemed, Vindha, Divesh, the lands of the Damdilit, Zasai, Zengul, Wesadhi, Vava, Yaira, Mijam, and Jai. Details are as in d20.
Giant boar (Large Animal). Found in Qiley, and the lands of the Himhet, Zitan, Asnam, Sebilos, and Otovyi. Details are as the dire boar in d20.
Ahatya (Medium Animal). Found only in Hintashya, these huge lizards live primarily among inland swamps. Details about ahatya are as alligators in d20.
Common crocodile (Medium Animal). Found in Yasayoi, Zasai, Divesh, Hintashya, Aysay, and Zakhten. Details about crocodiles are as in d20.
Giant crocodile (Huge Animal). Found all along the southern coast from Izakhez to Avada and, more unusually the coasts of Wesadhi, Vava, and the Zesam islands. Details about giant crocodiles are as saltwater crocodiles in d20. Among the Entihoma, the giant crocodile represents the element of water.

Qileyan deer
Deer. Most deer and deer-like creatures throughout Haya are unremarkable, being beasts of prey. The red deer of Yuta lands are much like the red deer of our world. The Adya deer is much like the sika deer of our world. The antelope found in the south from Zakhten to Janis are much like real-world antelope. The large vadin of the Asnam lands are much like reindeer. The smallish Vava deer is like the rusa deer of Papua New Guinea. The kangaroo-like jangi fills the niche of deer in the lands of the Avada.
Jali (Medium Magical Beast). A white deer that lives in Mijam and Jai, and are revered as representatives of snow as a quasi-element of water opposed to fire. Their wooded vales are always stands of evergreen high in the mountains that magically remain snow-covered year-round even when the forest as a whole is in summer.
Jali stand four feet high at the shoulder, grow smallish black antlers, have 3d10 hit dice, and a gore attack of +8 melee with 1d6+3 damage. They are immune to all cold and fire-based attacks. Any four jali can bring down an Ice Storm once per turn as 5th level casters. Jali alpha stags (one per herd of twenty) can cast Cone of Cold from their antlers once per turn as 10th level casters. Similarly, jali alpha does (one per herd of twenty) can cast Freezing Sphere once per turn as 10th level casters. Jali will typically begin combat with Ice Storm, even when alpha stags and does are present.
Qileyan Deer (Large Animal). A giant deer that lives only on the islands of Qiley and Zam. They serve as a symbolic creature representing the people of those islands. The Qileyan deer has reddish fur and broad antlers. They stand seven feet tall at the shoulder, and its details are much as the Scythe Horn in d20.

Hayan dragon
Dragon (Large Magical Animal). The dragon of Haya is red-furred, bat-like creature with a 12-foot wingspan and a long, rat-like tail. Their fire breath is a Fire Bolt spell once/turn at 10th level, and they are immune to all fire-based attacks, including magical. They live in Wesadhi, Vava, Yasayoi, Zasai, and Divesh. Their stats are otherwise as the dire bat of d20.
Elephant. There are many types of elephant in Haya, including archaic species.
Agtile elephant (Huge Animal). The elephant living in the meadowlands of Zemed and Izakhez are the largest type, standing 14 feet tall. They are hard to domesticate, being very aggressive toward interlopers, and so are rarely in service to the Zemed as pack animals. The Izakhez employ special “elephant ambassadors” who use Animal Handling to assuage elephant herds they encounter on their trails. Their details are as common elephants in d20.

Hoe-tusker (Huge Animal). An elephant-like creature with downward-turning tusks that lives in far-western Agtile and Wesadhi. Their details are as Deinotherium in d20. They are very fierce and impossible to domesticate.
Mammoth (Huge Animal). Mammoths are grassland grazers with reddish fur. They are revered by the Himhet as the spirit animal of stone, and by the Sebilos as their mother goddess. Mammoth ivory is highly prized among the civilized people, and a brisk trade exists through the Zitan and Sihut. Their details are as mammoths in d20.
Mastodon (Huge Animal). Mastodons are woodland browsers with dark brown fur. They are revered by the Zitan as Zohr, the god of stone. Mastodon ivory is highly prized among civilized people, and a brisk trade exists through the Sihut. Their details are as in d20.

Shovel-tusker. (See also elephant, mammoth, mastodon, and shovel-tusker.) An elephant-like creature with downward-turning tusks that lives in Hallia and Wesadhi. They stand 8 feet tall, have 7d8+24 hit dice and have a gore attack of +12 melee with 2d8+12 damage. They are very stubborn and impossible to domesticate.
Wesadhi elephant (Large Animal). The elephants living in the forests of the islands of Dazayut and Kibhu stand seven feet tall and have characteristic curled tusks highly valued by ivory traders and craftsmen for their shape. They are revered in Wesadhi as representatives of the earth god Hamei, so that their tusks are only harvested from animals who have died of natural causes. Their details are as common elephants in d20.
Vindhan elephant (Large Animal). The elephant living in the valley of Vindha is the smallest, standing only six feet tall at the shoulder. They have very short tusks, and are rarely domesticated as pack or plow animals simply because horses, asses, and oxen are readily available, but they are kept by some temples as companions to the Priests. Their details are as common elephants in d20.
Zasai elephant (Huge Animal). The elephants living in the jungles of Zasai stand ten feet tall and have very straight tusks. They are revered as representatives of the earth god Hamei, and are the most commonly domesticated elephant, often serving as beasts of burden. Their details are as common elephants in d20.
Ghoul (Medium Undead). Ghouls are as in d20, and are found in rural graveyards.
Ghost (Medium Undead). Ghosts are as in d20, and are found in ancient buildings where people still live.
Hippopotamus (Large Animal). The hippo lives in the river Kayat in Zemed. They are considered very dangerous. Their details are much as in d20.
Hulqa (Tiny to Small Magical Animal). A feathered reptile living among the trees in the forests of Aysay and Zakhten, the hulqa has average intelligence and is immune to magical effects. They have 1d6+5 hit dice, a bite attack of +6 melee with 1d4+2 damage.
There are five species: blue hulqa being the swiftest and smallest at around the size of a crow, and live by leaping from trees, gliding on their arm feathers, and snatching insects from the air; red hulqa are about the size of a raven and are the most bellicose, living on rats and lizards; orange hulqa have orange feathers, are about the size of gulls, and live on fruit; green hulqa are also about the size of ravens, and live by fishing from ponds and streams; rainbow hulqa have feathers of red, blue, green, and orange, are about the size of ravens, and live on leaves and grasses.
They each have their own languages of chirps and whistles, often learn the languages of other hulqa, and will learn the language of powerful humans if they see an advantage. They sometimes allow themselves to become servants to highly placed Warriors, Scribes, and Priests among the Zakhten and Aysay.
Isqavu (Medium Animal). A llama-like creature about the size of a small horse. The Tankixa (Zakhten and Aysay) use them as beasts of burden and harvest their wool for cloth. They have 1d10+8 hit dice, and a kicking attack of +8 melee with 1d8+3 damage, but their hostility is usually expressed by spitting. The isqavu of Zakhten have whitish wool, those of the Aysay have brown wool, and the wilder species in the highlands have black wool.
Common jaguar (Medium Animal). Found in Hintashya and in the lands of the Hafed and southern Inetili on Inet, they have the stats of jaguars in d20.
Giant jaguar (Large Animal). Found in the rain forests of Zakhten and Aysay, they are like jaguars in d20 except that they have hit dice of 5d8+12; melee attack of 2 claw attacks +7 (1d6+6) and a bite +8 (1d12+8 plus grab).
Jangi (Medium Animal). These creatures are like large kangaroo. Their details are as kangaroos in d20. They are found only in the realm of the Avada.
Leopard (Medium Animal). These creatures live in the meadowlands of the Izakhez, Zakhten, and Janis, as well as in Vindha, Divesh, and Zasai. Their details are much as in d20.

Cave lion
Lion (Large Animal). There are various species of lion in Haya.
Cave lion. This cream-furred predator lives in Hallia and the lands of the Zitan and Otovyi, hunting in prides of 10 to 15. Their details are as cave lions in d20. They are revered as representative of the high goddess Gesi among the Zitan.
Desert lion. The lion that roams the meadowed edges of the desert from Zemed to Izakhez has a yellow coat, the males sporting a thick reddish mane. They are believed by the Zemed and Izakhez to represent the god Etadu, who is instead represented by the giant jaguar among the Zakhten and Aysay. Their details are as lions in d20.
Diveshi lion. The lion of the island of Divesh has brightly golden fur, and are the smallest of lions, but still quite fierce. Their details are as lions in d20, except that their hit dice are 4d8+14.
Halbhari lion. The tough lions of the mountains of Halbhar have black fur, the males’ manes streaked with white. Their details are as lions in d20 except that their hit dice are 6d8+10.
Vindhan lion. The lions of the valley of Etudwa are reclusive, hiding in the woods and ambushing into the fields from cover. They have tawny fur, the manes of males being somewhat darker. Their details are as lions in d20.
Lizard, giant (Huge Animal). This predatory lizard lives in along the shores of the Janis. Their details are as the Megalania in d20.
Minotaur (Large Monstrosity). These monsters dwell in the inland of the island of Divesh, among the ruins of the ancient cities of the Razu and the ancient Yuta whom the Diveshi drove out, ancestors of the peoples now living in Inet, Atzot, and Qiley. They are said to be the children of the celestial bull Sitara, ridden by the stone god Ansa worshiped among the Tydhem. They are as minotaurs are described in d20.
Monkey (Tiny Animal). The details of the various monkeys of Haya are as in d20.
Black monkey. These black-furred creatures live in the forests of Vava, Yasayoi, and Zasai, and have invaded the cities of the Zasai, stealing food where they can and often living off the generosity of Priests. They often stow away aboard ships and have thereby established colonies among the Damdilit, Tydhem, Wesadhi, Mijam, and Zemed.
Howler monkey. These dark red-furred creatures live in the jungles of the Zakhten and Aysay. They are generally non-confrontational, but do have territories that they defend with low hoots or organized mobs. They cannot be domesticated and generally descend into depression if captured.
Red monkey. These reddish-furred, intelligent creatures (Int 4) live in the lands of the Etudwa and the Tudvam and Tydhem who live on the shores of Vindha. They do not adapt well to urban settings, preferring to live on fruits in the forests. They are rarely made pets, but sometimes enjoy friendly relations with Priests in remote temples.
Wesadhi monkey. These gray-furred, fun-loving creatures live all throughout the lands of the Wesadhi. They get along well with humans, making themselves at home in both the forests and the cities, often being taken in as pets by the Wesadhi, Kaba, Tsote, and even the Mesamhi humanoids.
White monkey. These reclusive, white-furred creatures live in Mijam and Yaira, staying out of human areas and living in the forests and along remote shores. They are revered as cousins by the Mijam, who have strict laws against their molestation.
Zemed monkey. These tawny-furred creatures live along the Kayat river in Zemed and, less well-known, along the wooded coast below the deserts of the Izakhez. They are friendly and placid, and live in Zemed cities without much disruption.
Mummy (Medium Undead). These horrors as much as in d20, and are found in the tombs of Zakhten, Aysay, Izakhez, and Zemed.
Naga (Large Monstrosity). These snake-like creatures live in the remote uplands of Divesh, in the ruins of ancient Razu and Yuta cities. They are said to be the children of the dark goddess Mirri. They are much as spirit naga are described in d20.
Common octopus (Small Animal). These creatures live throughout the seas. Their details are as octopus in d20.
Giant octopus (Huge Magical Animal). These creatures live in the eastern seas from Zasai to Avada. Their details are as octopus in d20 except that they have hit dice of 6d8+20, Intelligence of 2d6+3 (5-15), greater speed (40 ft., swim 60 ft., jet 600 ft.), and melee attacks of bite +8 (2d6+5, no poison), tentacles +7 (grab).
They have a language of symbols displayed on their skin, and can learn to communicate in a very basic way using human written symbols. They have full magical resistance against spells below 4th level, and can cast Water Breathing once/day upon a number of non-water-breathers equal to their Intelligence score. They can cast Control Water once/day and can cast an automatically triggered Symbol on their skin once/day. All of these spell effects are as a 10th level caster.
They have close ties to the Afa, Spirit Folk of water, and are both revered and feared by the peoples of Zasai, Yasayoi, Wesadhi, Vava, and Avada.
Peyu (Gargantuan Animal). See also the humanoids sub-section of the Races section. All Peyu have gray eyes and other details are (except as modified here) as the Megaprimatus of d20. As a humanoid NPC race, they enjoy a bonus of +3 to strength and constitution, and a penalty of -3 to intelligence and wisdom. They are herbivores who occasionally scavenge dead sheep, goat, and musk oxen. They have primitive Stone Age technology, and can be Trackers (rangers). Peyu are reclusive, but also very peaceful and compassionate to other creatures, although they can be quite violent when confronted.
Black peyu. These creatures live in the mountains to the east of Addaz. They are more reclusive than other peyu, but also more fierce when confronted.
Red peyu. These creatures live in the forested high valley of the Zengulay river above Zasai. They are not used to incursions in their territory, and tend to be curious before become violent.
White peyu. These creatures live in the mountains of Halbhar, venturing into Hallia, Nyupam, and Hahmom. They have a seasonally nomadic lifestyle, ranging downhill during the winter and retreating to the mountains in the summer.
Rhinoceros. There are several rhino-like species in Haya.
Rhino (Large Animal). These creatures live in Zemed and on the meadowed northern edge of the deserts of Izakhez. Their details are as rhinoceroses in d20.
Twin-horn (Huge Animal). These creatures, like rhinos with Y-shaped horns, live along the edge of the forests of the Hamhom, Asnam, and Otovyi. Their details are as Brontotherium in d20.
Woolly Rhino (Large Animal). These creatures live along the edge of the Great Ice from the lands of the Himhet to the Sebilos. Although they are covered with dark brown fur, their details are as rhinoceroses in d20.
Ru’e (Huge Animal). These flightless birds live in the lands of the Avada. They look much like giant falcons with atrophied wings, and they hunt by crouching among high grass and running down prey that wander too close. They often hunt alone, but are also occasionally encountered in packs of three to twelve. For simplicity’s sake, their game stats are the same as for the Allosaurus in d20.
Sea Dead (Medium Undead). These undead are much as draugr in d20, and can be founded on the northern coasts from Qiley to Zasai, and around the islands of Tudvam, Divesh, Tydhem, Wesadhi, and Yasayoi.
Common shark (Large Animal). These predators live in all of the world’s seas. Their details are as the common shark’s in d20.
Giant shark (Gargantuan Animal). The giant shark, called karkar by the Yuta, live in the western seas from Qiley to Zakhten. It is revered among the Atzot as representative of the great goddess Ashyu, and among the Tankixa (Zakhten and Aysay) as representative of the war goddess Adad.
Shell-Beast (Large Animal). These giant armadillos with hard shells live in the lands of Zakhten and Aysay. Their details are as the Glyptodon in d20.
Skeleton (Medium Undead). These are much as in d20, and are primarily found in ruins throughout the civilized world.
Sky-Beast (Huge Animal). These herd animals are much like Baluchitherium and have the same details as in d20. They live along the forest edge between the Otovyi and Sebilos.
Sloth, giant (Huge Animal). These reclusive creatures live in the meadows of Zakhten and Aysay. Their details are as the Megatherium in d20.
Anaconda (Gargantuan Animal). This constrictor is found in the swamps of Hintashya, Zakhten, Aysay, and Hafed. Its details are as the giant anaconda in d20.
Asp (Medium Animal). This deadly snake is found broadly, in the south from Izakhez to Avada, and in the lands of the Tudvam, Etudwa, Tydhem, and Damdilit. Its details are as the asp in d20.
Cobra (Large Animal). This large snake is found in the lands of the Adya and Vava. Its details are as the king cobra in d20.
Diveshi snake (Large Animal). The giant snake of Divesh has black scales and reveals a white, skull-like emblem on its throat when it spreads its hood. The details of the Diveshi snake are as the emperor cobra in d20.
Rattlesnake (Medium Animal). This snake, which has a rattle on its tail with which it makes noise to signal a warning, lives in the lands of the Inet and Tankixa. Its details are as the venomous snake of d20.
Viper (Tiny Animal). This smallish snake lives in Atzot, Zitan, Hallia, Damdilit, and Otovyi. Its details are as the viper in d20.
Spectre (Medium Undead). These are much as in d20 and are found in Inet and Zitan.
Sphinx (Large Monstrosity). These beasts are much as in d20. Androsphinxes live in remote, abandoned temples and tombs in Izakhez and Zemed, while gynosphinxes are found in the upland ruins of Divesh, Tudvam, and Tydhem.
Spirit Folk. These elemental, fey creatures. They can change shape at will among their various forms, and have other magical powers. They have normal attributes except as noted below, and 6d8+16 hit dice.
Afa. The Spirit Folk of Water have three tribes.
The pure afa of freshwater, who protect springs, streams, and falls, appear as green-skinned humans, as large fish, or as green-skinned humans with the lower half of fish like merfolk. They can cast Control Water and Water Breathing as 10th level casters once/turn.
The low afa of salt water, who live in the seas, appear as as half-human and half-dolphin. They can cast Control Water and Water Breathing as 10th level casters once/turn.
The high afa of vegetation, who protect grasslands, bushes, and trees that draw water toward the sky, appear as green-skinned humans with vegetation for hair. They can cast Plant Growth and Speak With Plants as 10th level casters once/turn.
Argenti. The Spirit Folk of Light (argenti is pronounced with a hard G) are strongly associated with the sun, enlightenment, life, and knowledge. They appear as white-winged and white-skinned humans or as white-feathered birds, and have a reputation for being generally helpful. They can cast Daylight, Light, and Dancing Lights as 10th level casters once/turn.
Auri. The Spirit Folk of Metal are strongly associated with wealth and social power, and considered closely allied with the sitani and kupuri in fostering prosperity, civilization, and creation just as the ferei are considered allied with tia and afa in loss and destruction. They appear as golden-furred humans, golden-skinned humans, or golden-furred lions. They can cast Heat Metal and Wall of Metal (basically Wall of Stone) as a 10th level caster once/turn.
Ferei. The Spirit Folk of Lightning appear as purple-skinned humans or as eagles, often cloaked in electric arcs, and are considered unpredictable and fierce, allies of the most violent of the tia and afa as collaborators in destructive storms. They can cast Call Lightning and Lightning Bolt as a 10th level caster once/turn.
Hrusi. The Spirit Folk of Dark are associated with shadows, the night, death, and the underground. They appear as black-skinned humans or as snakes, and are a greatly feared Spirit Race. They can cast Darkness and Darkvision as a 10th level caster once/turn.
Kupuri. The Spirit Folk of Fire often appear as red-furred, flame-engulfed humans, or giant red foxes, and have a reputation for being both easily tamed but also dangerous when unleashed. The kupuri are loosely associated with the warmth of the sun, but more strongly tied to the campfire, the hearth, and the smithy. They can cast Fireball, Fire Storm, and Flamestrike as a 10th level caster once/turn.
Sitani. The Spirit Folk of Stone are associated with stone, soil, and durability. Along with the afa and argenti, the sitani are highly revered by farmers. They appear as stocky humans with stone skin or as a bull, and are also revered by builders and Scribes (wizards) who rely on earth or stone for their crafts. They can cast Meld Into Stone, Stone Shape, and Wall of Stone as a 10th level caster once/turn.
Tia. The Spirit Folk of Air are associated with the cardinal directions from which winds blow, and have a reputation for being capricious. They appear as blue-winged and blue-skinned humans or as geese, and are greatly revered by sailors, of course. They can cast Gust Of Wind, Wind Walk, and Wind Wall as a 10th level caster once/turn.
Common squid (Medium animal). These social creatures live throughout the seas of Haya. Their details are as squids in d20.
Giant squid (Huge Magical Animal). These creatures live in the eastern seas from Mijam to the Outer Islands. Their details are as squids in d20 except that they have hit dice of 6d8+20, Intelligence of 2d6+3 (5-15), greater speed (40 ft., swim 60 ft., jet 600 ft.), and melee attacks of bite +8 (2d6+5, no poison), tentacles +7 (grab).
They have full magical resistance against spells below 4th level, and can cast Control Water once/day. They have close ties to the Afa, Spirit Folk of water.
Red tiger (Large Animal). This red-and-black striped cat lives on the islands of Dazayut and Kibhu. Their details are as tigers in d20.
Sabre-toothed tiger (Large Animal). These tawny-furred pack hunters live in the north from the shores of Aztot and the lands of the Zitan, through the lands of the Himhet, Asnam, and Sebilos to the forests of the Otovyi. They also occasionally stray into Addaz. Their details are as sabre-toothed tigers in d20.
White tiger (Large Animal). This white-and-black striped cat lives in the forests of the Otovyi and the icy plains of the Sebilos. Their details are much as tigers in d20.
Zasai tiger (Large Animal). This yellow-and-black striped predator lives in Zasai and Zengul. Its details are as tigers in d20.
Tiger-men (Medium Fiend). These creatures primarily haunt the wilderness ruins of Wesadhi, but can also be found in Zasai. Their details are much as rakshasas in d20.
Archelon (Huge Animal). These massive sea turtles roam the western seas from Qiley to Zakhten. Their details are as in d20.
Giant tortoise (Medium Animal). These massive land turtles live in Zesam and Vava. Their details are as giant tortoises in d20.
Dolphin (Medium Animal). These creatures are found throughout the world’s seas. Their stats are as in d20, except that their Intelligence ranges from 6 to 11 (d6+5). They have their own languages, one for the Eastern Seas, one for the Western Seas, and one for the Inner Seas. Exceptionally intelligent dolphins can also learn to speak the basics of human languages. Humans with Intelligence of 12+ can also learn the very basics of dolphin languages.
Killer Whale (Huge Animal). These creatures are found throughout the world’s seas. Their stats are as in d20, except that their Intelligence ranges from 5 to 10 (d6+4). They have their own languages, one for the Sea of Aztot, one for the Sea of Zakhten, one for the eastern Inner Seas, one for the middle Inner Seas (between Tudvam and Zemed), one for the western Inner Seas (Tydhem through Wesadhi), and one for the Eastern Seas. Exceptionally intelligent killer whales can also learn to speak the basics of human languages. Humans with Intelligence of 12+ can also learn the very basics of dolphin languages. They are called orka by the Yuta.
Long whale (Gargantuan Animal). These Zeuglodon-like cetaceans hunt the Inner Seas. They are quite elongated, looking like a sea serpent. Their stats are much like the Zeuglodon in d20.
Wight (Medium Undead). These creatures are found in the simple, ancient tombs found throughout the lands of the Yuta and Adya. Their details are as in d20.
Common wolf (Medium Animal). This pack-hunter is found in Inet, the lands of the Tudvam and Tydhem, Vindha and Hallia, and Zasai. Their details are as the wolf in d20. They have reddish fur in Inet, grayish fur elsewhere.
Dire wolf (Large Animal). This black-furred predator is found in the lands of the Atzot, Zitan, Himhet, Asnam, Damdilit, Sebilos, and Otovyi. Their details are as the dire wolf in d20.
Wraith (Medium Undead). The details of the wraith are as in d20. They are found in Adya lands.
Zombie (Medium Undead). These roaming dead are found in Wesadhi, Yasayoi, and Vava. Their details are much as in d20.