Tag Archives: kassia krozser

Publishing Links – Trends, Desires, and the End of Things

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Let’s just dive straight into the links this week!


♣ The Author Magazine blogster reminds us that a really good story forces us to ask the question: “What do I want most?”  (This is also true of magical compasses, I hear.)

Moonrat at Editorial Ass(istant) tells us how to throw an awesome book launch.

Kassia Krozser at BookSquare points out that change in the publishing biz must start at home, with the executives who run it.

♣ The Moby Lives blog asks whether we are seeing the end of book ownership.

Finally, the ever-prolific Eric at Pimp My Novel:
♣ issues a call for guest posts (you have until 16 June!);
♣ warns us of the approaching E-Pocalypse;
♣ explains the difference between billing and point-of-sale; and
♣ analyzes publishing trends like The [Adjective] Wife, vampires/werewolves, literary mash-ups, and the world ending in 2012.

Publishing Links That Need No Introduction

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Let’s just start right off with the best news, from the perspective of prospective authors: Amazon increases royalty rates on Kindle books!  As New York TimesMedia Decoder blog points out, “Amazon’s move is also a clear bid to woo authors away from traditional publishing houses.”  Things just got interesting.

Jessica at BookEnds answers “Should I revise my manuscript before sending out the next batch of queries?” and other random questions.  Meanwhile Rachelle Gardner discusses email protocol and the power of word-of-mouth.

Lauren at Dystel & Goderich offers some advice on titling, while her colleague Miriam disses the sarcmark.

Kassia Krozser at Booksquare expresses her doubts about enhanced ebooks, while Alan Rinzler at The Book Deal teaches us about hooks that snag great book deals.

Finally, John Fox tells us why he doubts book reviews, while Suzannah Windsor Freeman (guest-blogging at Nathan Bransford‘s site) negotiates the struggle between Word Nerds and Grammar Rebels.
