Writer Roll – Writing Backward, Tasting Stories, and Tricking Your Kids

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I have noticed a distinct gender imbalance to my writer links.  Sure, I have Les and Scott and John and J on my list, but the overwhelming majority of writers on my regular rounds are women.   In fact, all of the links I’ve roped up over the past week are from women writers.

Not that there is anything intrinsically wrong with this, but I would like to get a few more dudes to provide more of a “guy’s take” on writing.  Insofar as there is such a thing.  Is there such a thing? 

Okay, moving on.  To the writer links!

Jade Smith passes on a good piece of advice on how to get that “meandering” story on track: write it backward.

Lydia Sharp at The Sharp Angle shares what’s in her stacks.

Suzannah Windsor Freeman at Write it Sideways offers 50 procrastination techniques for aspiring writers!

Elizabeth Spann Craig at Mystery Writing is Murder discusses taking suggestions from your editor,

Becky Levine investigates the taste of a story and explains how to trick your kids into reading the books you like.

Cassandra Jade tackles the inevitability of continuity errors, and lists 10 ways to know you are obsessed with writing. My favorite? Number 8. What is Number 8, you ask? Click the link to find out.

Suzette Saxton at Shooting Stars wants to know what’s your strangest place to write?

Juliette Wade at Talk to YoUniverse sheds some light on inherent contradictions in character, a post that I found very enlightening.  She also points the way to the “How Linguistics Can Help You” series at the Science in my Fiction blog.  Thanks, Juliette!

And my BEST POST OF THE WEEK award goes to Laurel at Unhinged Seriously for “Why You Should Have Beta Readers Who Are Not Writers.”

4 comments on “Writer Roll – Writing Backward, Tasting Stories, and Tricking Your Kids

  1. Thanks for keeping me in the list. 🙂 I haven’t done much serious writing lately, but there’s always a light at the end of the writer’s block tunnel, right?

  2. It’s not quantity, but quality that matters 🙂

  3. Thanks to *you* for the links! I’m glad you find my posts helpful. I have a new anthology out and will be posting about it soon, and I’d love it if you could come by and check it out… 🙂

  4. Squeee! I’m up there with some awesome posts! Thanks!

    Cheers, dears.