Revolution Cycle (work in progress)
Brunch – Do you ever wonder if you need new friends?
[10 minutes, cast of 5: KENDALL, DINA, SHAYA, JESS, SERVER]
Meeting in the Middle – Joe and Marie take their fling to the next level: global domination.
[10 minutes, cast of 2: JOE, MARIE]
Possible Art – Where does indulgence end and art begin?
[10 minutes, cast of 3: DINA, JESS, JEFFREY]
You Say You Want a Revolution – If it’s broke… break it more.
[10 minutes, cast of 3: JOE, MARIE, PROFESSOR BROWNFOUR]
In 2101, a young girl’s history lesson becomes a revelation about the consequences of technology, and the horrors of accountability.
[10-15 minutes, cast of 3: EVITA, MOTHER, GAL]